Revel Puck Circus
Revel Puck Circus are so proud to be hosting BJC2025 in Thurrock, Essex!
When we heard that there might not be a BJC in 2025, we made the decision that we had to at least try to do what we could to host the Convention!
Revel Puck's artistic director, Luke Hallgarten, came up through the juggling community, and we as an organisation hold grassroots events such as Juggling Conventions very close to our hearts.
Revel Puck Circus are an East-London based circus company with a touring Big Top and local festival production arm that aims to make circus more accessible to everyone, from anywhere.
It is, undoubtably quite a tight turnaround to organise and host an event of this scale and we are working hard to get everything lined up to make sure it can happen. We really hope that the community will be supportive of us running the event, we’re a small not-for-profit contemporary circus company that are truly excited about the prospect of running a convention, however we do need all the help we can get to make it happen - to be frank, if it doesn’t seem like we will sell enough tickets it will be hard to continue to host the event.
For more information about Revel Puck Circus, shows or upcoming project, check out revelpuckcircus.com